1. Struggling to keep a new routine? If you're trying to maintain a healthier diet, exercise or morning routine, check out this article by a neuroscientist about becoming "enchanted" with a new habit. Make it stick.
2. If you're a fan of 13th century Persian poet Rumi, you may want to check out the work of his seeming successor, 14th century mystic poet Hafiz. His poems of divine love are said to have influenced westerners like Brahms, Queen Victoria and Nietzsche.
3. As a self-proclaimed foodie, I've tried a few apps to help me keep track of places I want to go for an amazing dining experience. I've been underwhelmed, but my latest find, Todine, does the job for now. Frills-free, it keeps track of places I've marked as Must Visits, Favorites and My Top 10. It also links to the Worlds 50 Best lists for restaurants, and allows me to make notes for places on my lists. Try it for free here.
4. Published in March 2020, Find You Calm: A Mindful Approach to Relieve Anxiety and Grow Your Bravery, teaches kids "how to tap into their sense of safety when anxiety sends a false alarm. It includes simple activities that children can practice to calm themselves.